Saturday, July 16, 2011

Distractions and Inspirations

Hi All,

Over the last few weeks I have come to see that almost everything around us is distracting! However, I have realised this is false. It is not the objects or activities that are distracting––it is the way we use those objects and activities to distract ourselves.

Now, you are probably thinking, Okay, why is that such a great realisation?, well––it's not. This realisation will not stop us from distracting ourselves but if we recognise that our brain is doing this, we may be able to start getting some of these tasks done!

As an INFP personality type (Refer to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), I am always leaving things to the last minute. Learning some ways to stop distracting myself is a valuable resource; however, the most common ways, although helpful, just don't cut the cake when I'm trying to get inspired to do that project. And believe me, inspiration and enthusiasm is very important in any project, whether it be writing or mowing lawns. Otherwise there is no enjoyment in the task.

In light of this, I will share with you some of the key things that I use, to gain inspiration and enthusiasm for a project:

* Picture the project when completed
* Remember the reason why you started the project
* Think of how other people will enjoy the finished project
* Talk to someone else about your project (outside affirmation is always inspiring!)
* Get into it with a good attitude!

I have found that these steps have helped me a lot in writing my book recently and hope that you can take something useful out of this.

Happy writing...

––or mowing! :P


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