Saturday, July 23, 2011


Isn't it strange how we can doubt ourselves about the simplest thing when we are writing?

Lately, when I have been writing, I have found myself on the internet researching about every minute detail in my book. In fact, it has been getting to a point where I spend the three hours of "writing time", researching; and only producing a page of actual writing. However, as a writer I believe it is important to have your details right.

What I have been caught up in lately is vegetation. Now this may seem ridiculous, but I will explain how I can get carried away. Describing a bush scene may be fairly simple, and usually it is; nevertheless, I seem to get doubtful of my own knowledge and start to ask questions like: what season does it flower in? Is it native to that part of Australia? etc. I seem to get carried away with these small details. But even though most people would hardly notice something so trivial, the ones who do notice will see a mistake and it will discredit the book for them.

I guess I am one of those people who likes to have every detail right, and despite the mistakes I do make, I try my best to write something that everyone will enjoy.

Do you think details are important? Please comment below!


1 comment:

  1. Yes!! Details are important, like you said most people won't notice but the ones who do won't take it lightly. I know when i'm reading a novel or watching a movie if the characters don't act right or say, *don't hold a weapon correctly* I notice and it effects my whole feeling about the peice and I will remember the mistakes more then the rest.
