Today, in class we were analysing a literary book, which I will not mention, that had a few credibility issues. Some thought that we were being too critical and shouldn't read that much into the novel and think more about the story and the emotions behind the characters instead of thinking of reasons why the characters couldn't possibly be alive. My point is that as an author should be thinking about the readers that will think of these things and make sure their novel is believable, even if it is science fiction.
I don't know about you, but I find that I am very critical of my own writing and can't seem to continue if I know something doesn't seem right in a previous chapter. Sometimes this is good because, as said before, I can check up on credibility, however, sometimes it can be quite annoying, consuming all my time and leaving me procrastinating and running in circles.
Solution! Meet in the middle. My aim is to be critical but not to allow it to consume my mind and stop me from writing. The best way, I find, to stop going too far in this respect, is to find some kind of inspiration to keep me motivated and remind me to keep on track. I gain inspiration from other creative people, whether it be writers, cinematographers (namely my brother) or other creative identities, and 'bounce creative zing' between us. Another source of inspiration is a photograph I have of a possible cover image for the finished production of my book. This reminds me of my major goal of finishing this book and having it published.
Tell me your stories and what inspires you! Comment below.
~ Adelle